ProjectsSunflower Electric Power Delivery EPC Alliance

Sunflower Electric Power Delivery EPC Alliance


Sunflower Electric Cooperative




Engineering & Design

Environmental Planning, Permitting & Management

Material Procurement & Management

Right-of-Way Acquisition

Since 2010, we have provided Sunflower Electric Cooperative (Sunflower) with engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services to support a drastic increase in capital spending for transmission lines and substations required to support increases in regional power reliability requirements.

Our partnership with Sunflower remains successful and rewarding as they continue to select our team for EPC projects regularly. To date, we have performed numerous power delivery projects for Sunflower.

We execute the work via an open book strategic EPC partnership. The arrangement has allowed Sunflower the flexibility to collaborate with us to accomplish the following:

  • Develop early design solutions that meet the overall project requirements and minimize life cycle costs.
  • Identify and mitigate known permitting or right-of-way issues and coordinate with local property owners.
  • Establish early and realistic project budgets and critical path schedules.
  • Engage our multi-disciplined, integrated teams throughout the life of each project, including: substation design, transmission and distribution design, environmental assessment, permitting, public involvement, drawings, specifications, contract administration, procurement, permitting and project controls, construction, testing and inspection.

Over the course of these EPC projects, we have addressed line vibration issues, conducted lattice tower inspections, increased emergency ratings, modified breaker bypass switching, replaced existing line carrier relays, set steel monopole structures, and placed or upgraded several miles of transmission and distribution lines.

Additionally, we have delivered new or expanded control houses; modified, upgraded or built new substations; added relay lineups; and constructed dual-circuit transmission towers.

Other services we have provided include backfill, bolt tightening, cable lists, carrier schemes, conduit plans, direct-embedded foundations, energization, ground-grid analysis, verification and testing, grounding plan and details, lightning protection, substation and transmission line design, switch improvements, and transmission infrastructure improvements.

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